Monday, January 26, 2009

Get Thee to Thine Muster Station!!!

We went up top to go through the mandatory muster drill to learn which lifeboat we'd probably never make it to in the event of a sea disaster. Clad in attractive neon orange life vests, we began to check out our fellow travellers.
Apparently the muster drill is simply an opportunity for the seasoned Seabourner's to check out the new meat. Most people here are long time Seabourn travellers, some on their 15th trip, some on their eleventh solid month. Many live aboard. They all come out to watch from above as the newbies fumble around looking clueless as they struggle with the cumbersome lifejackets. Our little group is met with a certain degree of curiousity coupled with disdain. Are we the help?? The entertainment? Well, that goes without saying. We are definitely the entertainment. We are a novelty for sure as well as an aberration. I think most of the people on the boat came here to get away from us silly youngsters who don't take anything seriously.
However, we do seem to be popular in the dining room. As one lovely man told me, "You bunch are great fun--there's a lot of old sticks in the mud out there!"
We are invited to 'dine with Mr. So and So and Mrs. What'sHerName' and you can decline or accept. We have met some really interesting people from all over the world; doctors, guest lecturers, mathematicians, experts on Chile. Serious travellers for whom world travel is a way of life.  They know all the ins and outs and love to share their knowledge. It would be nice if we could return the favor, but we can't, so we become a four sided comedy act. We each take turns as star of the show. We get told we remind everyone of their grandchildren.

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