Monday, January 26, 2009

Flying through the tree tops on the base of an active volcano!

We eventually came to the Chilean fjords and the pitching and rolling immediately stopped. Bovell actually got chirpy and resumed his somewhat normal skintone. Just in time for he and his sidekick FatCat (Jim's new alias; James is now Baldy and Barney, Nipples. Don't ask.) to hit the small Casino. Hard. Late. something like 700 dollars worth of new chips on our table in the morning. I decide to take a galley tour. Now, I have seen restaurant kitchens before, but nothing like this gorgeous display of satiny stainless steel and shelves of shining silver. Tea services all lined up perfectly and the floors clean enough to eat off of themselves. We are greeted with champagne (it flows all day here in copious amounts) and caviar just in case we might get hungry for the 30 minutes of the tour. The pastry section is downright mouthwatering and the french pastry chef is hard at work on racks of bread that look like artwork. There is a sushi section, a meat section and an ice cream section. Amazing. The head chef is from Central Casting and named Pascal. He invites us to go shopping at the local market with him as he shops for special local items. He then explains he has to go. The galley is shortstaffed today as one of his employees who also works in the Casino in the evenings couldn't come in this morning. Apparently she was kept up unusually late dealing blackjack for several annoying cardsharks who just wouldn't give it up. Will Seabourn survive us????

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